The Massachusetts Electrical Code is updated and changed every 3 years.
It is imperative for the electrical professional to stay current with the changes and updates. The new tri-annual difference reflects new wiring methods and emerging technologies which must or shall be implemented into the installation of electrical systems. These code changes go hand in hand with the national electrical code. However, the Local Inspectional Services code usually takes precedence as it provides more additional safety for personal and protection of property. Usually, like similar neighboring towns, the inspector may wish to take photos of certain inspectable areas such as electrical conduit (pipe) in the ground (trench-work). Sometime the electronic media is placed into a folder with the residences' building department documentation and other relevant data.
Stretch Energy Code/Specialized Energy Code (225 CMR 22 & 23)
The climate act of 2021 moved the authority for the Stretch Code promulgation to the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and at the same time required the development of a new Municipal Opt-in Specialized Energy Code. The adoption of these codes is independent of the 10th Edition adoption. On January 1, 2023, the residential stretch code was formally shifted from Appendix AA of 780 CMR to 225 CMR 22. This code applies to detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses, and residential buildings that are three stories or less in height. On July 1, 2023, the commercial stretch code will formally shift from Appendix AA of 780 CMR to 225 CMR 23. Both codes are based on the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).
The Specialized Energy Code is a new option that is adopted as a municipal opt-in code like the Stretch Energy Code process. Cities and towns seeking to adopt will require an active vote by City council or Town meeting to opt-in to the Specialized Energy Code. As of June 6, 2023, sixteen cities/towns have voted to become Specialized Energy Code communities. Once a town votes to become a Specialized Energy Code community, formal adoption will be on either January 1st or July 1st (whichever occurs first more than 6 months after the vote). The following list provides applicability for the first 16 communities:
- Effective July 1, 2023 (Brookline, Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown)
- Effective January 1, 2024 (Acton, Arlington, Boston, Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Maynard, Newton, Sherborn, Stow, Truro, Wellesley, Wellfleet)
The list of communities adopting the specialized energy code is expected to grow. Keep up to date on this list at the following link.
Additional information on the stretch energy code can also be found on the State’s website below.
The 51 cities/towns that currently adopt the base energy code will continue to use the 2015 IECC (with amendments) until the 10th Edition is adopted or the city/town votes to be become a Stretch Code/Specialized Energy Code community.
Applicability: Based on conversations with DOER representatives the date of permit application locks in the applicable edition of the code. It’s recommended that projects impacted by these code changes work with their jurisdiction to confirm their process and necessary documentation to complete the permit application. Lastly, there is no concurrency period for the applicability of these new codes. The Stretch Code is a more energy efficient alternative to the base code in Massachusetts. In closing, it has more stringent energy efficiency requirements to help the state reach its ambitious greenhouse gas emissions goals. Woburn has just voted to join.

Building Department
Electrical Department
Fee Schedule (This fee schedule is comparable to most of the Commonwealths' fee schedules.)
15-6 Electrical Permit Fees.
Electrical permit fees shall be as follows:
New dwellings - Complete (Including single family,
two-family and multi-family).........................................$150.00 per unit
Complete remodeling..............................................................................$150.00 per unit
Partial remodeling (additions, etc.)..........................................................$50.00
Heating and/or Air Conditioning System .................................................$25.00
Fire Alarm/Security System.....................................................................$25.00
Pools $25.00
Service Work: Upgrade or replacement
for each 100 AMP ...........................................................$25.00
for each Meter ...................................................................$25.00
Minimum Fee: .........................................................................................$25.00
SOLAR INSTALLATION: ........................................................................$100.00
Lighting 120 volts 277 volts.....................................................................$ 2.00 each
Each 115 volt outlet ................................................................................$ 2.00 each
Horsepower, K.V.A. or K.W. Ratings as follows:
1st horsepower or fraction of each add'l.
horsepower........................................................................$ 2.00 each
K.V.A. or K.W. Rating ........................................................$ 2.00 each
Transformers...........................................................................................$ 2.00 per KVA
Generators ..............................................................................................$ 2.00 per KW
100 AMP Service ....................................................................................$ 50.00
Each add'l. 100 AMP or portion thereof ..................................................$ 25.00
Distribution Centers including:
Motor Control Center, Buss Ducts Sub panels........................................$ 25.00
Each Meter..............................................................................................$ 50.00
Heating/A.C. Systems.............................................................................$ 25.00
Signs.......................................................................................................$ 30.00
Temporary Service..................................................................................$100.00
Fire Alarm System: Main Panel...............................................................$ 10.00
Municipal Box..........................................................................................$ 10.00
Devices: Including horns, strobes, bells,
pull stations, heat and smoke detectors,
flow switches, tamper switches ...........................................................$ 2.00 each
Telephone Systems (per device) ............................................................$ 1.00
Communication, Computer Data Systems (per device) ..........................$ 1.00
Security Systems ....................................................................................$ 50.00
Lighting Retrofit System (per fixture).......................................................$ 1.00
Fixed Appliances Equipment and Machinery will be calculated by
Name Plate Ratings ................................................................................$ 2.00 A.K.W.
Demolition Work......................................................................................$ 50.00
Office Partitions (portable) (per cube) .....................................................$ 2.00
Minimum Fee: .........................................................................................$ 30.00
SOLAR INSTALLATION: ........................................................................$ 4.00 per solar
1) Permit fees are non-refundable once the permit issues.
2) Permits shall be obtained prior to the start of work.
3) Where the amount of work installed is greater than the amount paid, additional fees
will be paid in advance of inspection.
4) When re-inspection is made necessary because of violations of the Mass. Electrical
Code, a fee of $50.00 shall be paid for such re-inspection prior to said inspection
and approval.
5) Maintenance Permit - $200.00 annual fee required per building for Residential,
Commercial & Industrial complexes that employs an electrician to do electrical
maintenance. Companies with multiple buildings shall pay a $400.00 annual fee.
6) Any activity commenced without a permit – Applicant/Owner will be subject to
actions allowed per 527 CMR/State Electrical Code
7) Inspections outside of normal business hours - cost per hour, based on minimum
established by Union Contract Agreements.
8) Temporary occupancy $100.00 per 30 days (non-residential)
Temporary occupancy $30.00 per 30 days (residential)
(Ord. dated 7/22/83: prior Ch. 4, sec. 10: Ord. dated 3/14/89: Ord. dated 5/24/96;
amended 10/6/2000; amended 4/29/2014; amended 1/6/2022)